demonslayer swordvillage arc

The third season of Demon Slayer will premiere in April 2023. Here’s everything fans should know before the show begins.

Demon Slayer by Koyoharu Gotouge is a 23-volume manga series that ran in Weekly Shonen Jump from 2016 to 2020. Ufotable has turned the series into an animation. There have been two seasons thus far, with a film in between. Tanjiro Kamado and his comrades help Tengen Uzui, the Sound Hashira, face off against the Upper Rank Six demons, Gyutaro and Daki, in the latest season, which ran from October 2021 to February 2022.

The “Entertainment District” arc introduces a number of significant story aspects that will have an impact on the series’ future. Tanjiro has discovered more about his fighting style and his sister, Nezuko. The Demon Slayers are confronted with the truth of their work and how it will affect them in the future. The “Swordsmith Village” arc will focus on the fallout from the second season.

What Information Did the Demon Slayers Gain?

Tanjiro had been researching sun breathing techniques and how they relate to his family’s Hinokami Kagira dance before leaving for the Entertainment District. He uses his basic understanding of these skills in warfare. Tanjiro pushes himself to his limits in order to defeat Daki and Gyutaro, combining what he can of sun breathing with what he has previously perfected in the water breathing approach. This combo is so powerful that it astounds Tanjiro, but it isn’t enough to defeat the opponents on its own.

Tanjiro isn’t the only one straining himself to the edge. Tanjiro’s demon sister, Nezuko, works tirelessly to help her brother. Nezuko’s monster side threatens to take over as she tries to protect him. She is stronger than ever and can recover as quickly as an Upper Rank Demon. Tanjiro must try to maintain his sister at bay while also protecting others, making the assignment more challenging.

Tengen Uzui learns a lot while leading the war. He finds the fate of the Demon Slayer Corps while working alongside Tanjiro and his friends. He can rely on their strength to successfully defeat the two demons. Nevertheless, his concern for them gets in the way, forcing him to sustain severe injuries. During the battle with Daki and Gyutaro, Tengen is poisoned and loses an eye and a hand. Nezuko appears with a new Blood Demon Art as the poison takes hold and Tengen is on the verge of death.

Nezuko has the ability to burn away any poison within someone’s body, saving Tengen and others from the damage caused by the struggle. Tengen determines that this is his last combat with the Demon Slayer Corps and retires. While his retirement may cause problems for the Hashira because they have already lost a member, he knows that it is best for his life.

Members of the 12 Kizuki Fight the Demon Slayers

Demon Slayer- Akaza vs rengoku

Tengen Uzui recruits Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke at the start of the second season. Tengen realises he must go to the spot himself after he no longer receives letters from his wives, who were reporting to him about a suspected demon in the area. It is up to Tanjiro and his buddies to assist Tengen in saving them. Nevertheless, the only way the young guys can aid is to disguise themselves as ladies and work as courtesans in the Entertainment District, where the demon’s presence is endangering the public.

Tanjiro has no trouble finding work, but Tengen suffers with Zenitsu and Inosuke by his side until he is able to find someone to hire them. The boys are then able to investigate the area in search of Tengen’s wives and the location of the monster. These discoveries lead to them knowing a lot more about the demons and themselves than they were previously aware of.

Daki, a popular woman, is identified by the Demon Slayers as one of the 12 Kizuki. Tanjiro is unable to defeat her alone, but with the assistance of Nezuko and Tengen, they are able to weaken her. However, things quickly worse for them when Daki splits into two, revealing that she and her brother, Gyutaro, were merged together. Both of the brothers occupy the position of Upper Six Demon. The Demon Slayers had never come into contact with demons like this in the past. Because the two demons share the same position, they must be beheaded at the same time to die, making the battle difficult for Tengen, Tanjiro, and their comrades.

Bigger Combat are on their Way in Demon Slayer's Swordsmith Village Arc

Demon slayer- upper moon demon

Each groups’ forces have decreased as a result of the combat in Demon Slayer. Numerous Demon Slayer Corps officers have been killed during combat. The Corps has lost two Hashira members with the death of Kyojuro Rengoku and the retirement of Tengen Uzui. This implies that the strongest Demon Slayers who specialise in particular styles must occupy these vacant spots. In addition, several demons have been killed.

Nonetheless, Akaza, the Upper 3 demon, was introduced in Demon Slayer: Mugen Train film and is still alive. There still are five Higher Level Demons, including Akaza, that the Demon Slayer Corps must yet battle. Killing Higher Rank Demons is more difficult than defeating other demons, as proven in the “Entertainment District” arc. To die, Daki and Gyutaro had to be beheaded at the same moment, and they were the weakest of the Higher Ranks. It’s possible that the surviving Demon Slayers will have an even more difficult time destroying them.

The “Entertainment District” storyline allows Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Nezuko, and others to mature. Tanjiro and his allies are capable of sustaining their own ambitions while also assisting the other Demon Slayers when faced with difficult demons since they have the opportunity to learn more about the monsters they are fighting against. There is still much more to come, but the second season has already proven to be a game changer for the characters.

By nitin bhosle

Nitin Bhosle is a blogger who writes about anime-related content. With a passion for Japanese culture and storytelling, and brings his unique perspective to the world of anime through his engaging and insightful blog posts. His writing is accessible and approachable, making it the perfect resource for anime fans of all ages and experience levels.

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