Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 238: Higuruma’s Technique Could Save Megumi— Or Doom Him

Itadori and Higuruma intend to fight Sukuna in order to rescue Megumi’s soul now that the most powerful sorcerer is out of the picture.

The remaining members of the jujutsu society are rushing in to engage Sukuna in combat now that Jujutsu Kaisen’s strongest sorcerer has been removed from the battlefield. At the end of chapter 238, Itadori Yuji and Higuruma Hiromi were the next to ambush Sukuna after the King of Curses swiftly dealt with Kashimo, humbling the old sorcerer who was so eager to face the curse.

The two of them are extremely strong; Itadori’s unwavering determination and Higuruma’s unique style will definitely make Sukuna sweat. However, it seems likely that this specific pair is fighting to free Megumi Fushiguro’s soul from the King of Curses rather than to vanquish him. But there’s a risk to their strategy: if Higuruma’s domain is taken over by Sukuna, the two may just as easily make things worse.

The Cursed Technique of Higuruma: What Is It?


Higuruma was a non-sorcerer who practised defence law before the Culling Games, taking on challenging cases to defend the unfairly accused. Higuruma was granted the power to manifest high volumes of cursed energy at the start of Kenjaku’s planned games. This allowed him to construct a cursed technique and expand his domain, thereby turning him into a sorcerer over night. His natural skill stems from his background as an attorney; his domain extension is a courtroom with guillotined all around it.

Higuruma progressed at an amazing rate, reaching the skills as well as authority of a grade 1 sorcerer within twelve days following the manifestation of his cursed method. Higuruma’s technique is actually a result of his domain, unlike many born sorcerers who manifested their abilities first and then devote themselves to mastering a domain. His offensive power so mostly depends on this arena. Deathly Sentencing, Higuruma’s domain expansion, does not use a guaranteed hit like many other domains. Deathly Sentencing, on the other hand, forbids any kind of violence and applies for both Higuruma and his rival.

Alongside the domain, a shikigami known as Judgeman is summoned to act as a judge. Judgeman is a manifestation that possesses all the information regarding the defendant in question. The opponent is effectively placed on trial for their misdeeds in the realm, and Judgeman serves as the judge, rendering a guilty or innocent decision based only on the arguments the opponent makes with Hiromi. Higuruma’s opponent may have their cursed technique removed if they are found guilty. Following the decision, the domain shuts down, and Higuruma uses a cursed gavel-shaped tool that can change shape at will to assault his now helpless opponent. 

However, Higuruma attacks with the Executioner Sword, a cursed weapon that, in any situation, kills the opponent in a single blow, if Judgeman finds him guilty and sentences him to death.

Higuruma May Be Able to Summon Megumi's Soul

jujutsu kaisen fushiguro

Megumi Fushiguro caught Sukuna’s attention the moment he first met the young magician. Capturing his soul, the King of Curses swapped vessels from Itadori to Fushiguro in chapter 212, drawn by the latter’s wasted potential and might. Since then, people have been curious as to how Megumi may be saved and set free from Sukuna by the sorcerers. He and Itadori would be able to separate Fushiguro’s soul and speak to him uninterrupted by using Higuruma’s method.

Sukuna used Fushiguro as his vessel and eventually killed Megumi’s sister in chapter 219 by exploiting the sorcerer’s corpse. Since then, Megumi has let his spirit to be suppressed and has fully given in to Sukuna’s evil. They would thus be able to summon the young sorcerer’s soul if Higuruma opens his domain and calls Fushiguro as a defendant rather than Sukuna. Sukuna might be able to save their fallen buddy, but under the conditions of Deathly Sentencing, she would be powerless to defend herself in any manner and prevent the two from going after his soul. All he could do would be stand by and look on.

Itadori and Higuruma could use a soul-swapping technique that Itadori seemed to have practised with second-year sensei Kusakabe in previous chapters to extract Megumi from Sukuna if they are able to isolate him. The only thing the two need to do is get Megumi alone, free from danger or disturbance, and Higuruma’s method makes this possible.

Fushiguro Could Be Found Guilty of Sukuna's Crimes


Megumi Fushiguro may be able to save himself using this technique, but it also has the potential to backfire on him. Given that Higuruma’s domain presents a trial that resembles those in real life, Fushiguro might come under scrutiny. Itadori was accused of crimes by Sukuna when this domain was used against him; he confessed to the crimes and was given the death penalty by Judgeman. He then came under attack from Higuruma, barely avoiding blows from the Executioner’s Sword.

Judgeman might very well bring Fushiguro a case similar to this, since he was Sukuna’s vessel during the curse’s murderous rampage. The worst case scenario would be if Megumi was questioned about whether or not he killed Tsumiki Fushiguro because, similar to Itadori, he most likely feels guilty for Sukuna’s deeds. Their situations are marginally different, though.

Itadori’s guilty confession perplexed Higuruma because it was evident from the case file that Sukuna was the real culprit. Following their fight, he informs Itadori that, according to penal code article 39, section 1, he is not accountable for the deeds of the curse. Furthermore, he describes how Itadori’s body was briefly taken over by Sukuna, against his choice, and that Itadori did not voluntarily cede control to her. But once Tsumiki passed away, Megumi did voluntarily cede authority. Therefore, Fushiguro might not benefit from Higuruma’s technique’s same forgiveness. Therefore, rather than shielding the sorcerer from Sukuna, Higuruma and Itadori might condemn him to death if he is tried and admits guilt for Sukuna’s misdeeds.

The addition of Higuruma and Itadori to the drawn-out conflict with Sukuna has both benefits and drawbacks. Although the former’s realm extension presents ideal circumstances for separating Megumi’s soul from Sukuna and freeing him from the curse, it could also make matters worse. Fushiguro might descend even deeper into the darkness that Sukuna drew him into if he were proven guilty of killing his loved ones, like Tsumiki or Gojo. In this case, he might start to hold himself responsible for these incidents. On what is believed to be a rescue expedition for Megumi Fushiguro, the two must proceed cautiously because things could turn out badly.

By nitin bhosle

Nitin Bhosle is a blogger who writes about anime-related content. With a passion for Japanese culture and storytelling, and brings his unique perspective to the world of anime through his engaging and insightful blog posts. His writing is accessible and approachable, making it the perfect resource for anime fans of all ages and experience levels.

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